
Fine Coat

High performance Acrylic Elastomeric coating

Leak Proof is a high performance elastomeric acrylic based waterproofing coating with antifungal crack bridging ability mended for protection of exterior cementatious faces


Leak Proof is a high performance elastomeric acrylic based waterproofing coating with antifungal crack bridging ability mended for protection of exterior cementatious faces
Areas of Application
* RCC Surface
* Matory Walls
* Sloping Roofs
* Cooling Towers
Features & Benefits
* Reliable crack bridging
* High alkali resistant
* Low dirt pick up
* Seamless membrane with gand breathability Long term exterior
* Water based & environment friendly
* Can be tinted to desired shades
* UV Resistant
35 sq m/ltr/2coat @ 150 micron DFT (May vary depending on substrate)
Packaging kg. 5kg. 25kg
Application Procedure
Surface should be free from oil, dust and other Contaminants Any deficiencies on the surface should be rectified before applying Leak proof. Dilute Leak proof up to 10% by volume with potable water. Apply Leak proof for better adhesion & sealing. Allow the Leak proof to dry for 2hrs. Dilute Leak Proof upto 20% by volume with potable water. Apply first coat of Leak Proof by roller or brush on the primed surface. Allow drying for 4-5 hours before application of second coat.

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